
August 28, 2020

Sturgis mass testing results announced


RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) -The City of Sturgis conducted mass COVID testing for its citizens after welcoming hundreds of thousands of visitors for the 80th annual Motorcycle Rally. Now, the city is announcing the results.

A total of 650 people took advantage of the free testing, with 26 people testing positive for COVID-19.

All of them were asymptomatic at the time of testing.

Sturgis city manager Daniel Ainslie says the rate of confirmed cases is lower than what many people anticipated.

”We’re very happy that our mitigation efforts seem to have worked and that there was very little spread into numerous businesses in our count, and there’s very little spread among our employees in whole, which is very good news,” Ainslie says.

This mass testing is just one of the measures in place to prevent further spread — and the City says they will continue to maintain all their current protocols.

By Chiu-yi Lin

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